Donate to Foundation Improve

You can donate to the Improve Foundation in 2 ways;

If you enter your name and e-mail address below, a QR code will appear that you can scan so that you can transfer a one-time amount via iDEAL.

Of course you can also transfer your donation yourself to our account number NL40 RABO 0366 1380 57, from abroad you sometimes need the following swift code from our bank: RABONL2U

Become an Improver!

Improvers are monthly donors who are committed to making an impact and giving as many people as possible access to good oral care. Instruct your bank to transfer an amount to our account every month!

100% of your donation goes directly to the projects!

Scan the QR code with your bank’s app on your smartphone. Then enter the desired amount and confirm the donation.

Your gift will be spent on the project for which you have donated. If you have given a general gift, it will be used for a purpose that is most needed at that moment.

We have been classified as an ANBI by the tax authorities. This means that your donations in the Netherlands are 100% deductible (from the threshold of 1% of the income). Donors can then deduct donations from income or corporation tax.

Stichting Improve adheres to the applicable legislation when processing personal data and other data. Your privacy is very important to us and we handle your personal data with care.

Stichting Improve will never sell, rent or give away your personal information to others.

Contact details
If in your view, despite the measures and agreements mentioned here, we do not do it properly with regard to personal data, privacy and data security, we hope that you will let us know. You can send your question, comment or complaint by e-mail to us:
If you subsequently think that we deserve a rebuke, you can submit a complaint to the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

For every 7 euros you give 1 person a year access to dental care.